chakra healing


Over The Rainbow: A Healing Series of Balancing Meditations


True preventative care goes straight to the root of your being, and down to the atomic level, you are a being of light, a creature comprised of energy.

You may think you have a physical body that is animated by energy, but it’s the opposite! You are an energetic body inside which your physical body resides, and your physical body is a concrete representation of your energy body.

Chakra Energy Body

Your energy body has multiple layers that each contribute to the creation of your experience on the various planes of your existence. You are a multidimensional being. Learning to work with your multidimensional nature allows you to gain a greater sense of control over your health and wellbeing.

Balance Your Energy

The following series of brief mediations will enable you to attune the various energetic centers of your body. These energy centers are called chakras, and they are essentially spinning balls of energy aligned with the center of your being. Their position starts at the base of your spine and goes all the way to the top of your head.

This meditation series balances each energy center starting with the base chakra and moving to the crown chakra.

You can listen to the series in order, or you can intuitively choose which chakra is in need of balance. Take one moment to reflect on the color you feel most drawn to right now. This will not necessarily be your favorite color. Rather, look at the following colors and notice which feels most appealing, comfortable, engaging, or simply catches your eye.

Once you identify the color, you’ve identified the area of your auric body most in need of support at this time. Select that meditation from below and proceed from there.

If you’re feeling extra ambitious and want to take your chakra healing to the next level:

CLick here to DOWNLOAD

Stepping Into Star Power

This is a complementary workbook that will help you take your self-reflection and self-discovery to new heights as you cultivate a sense of overall balance and harmony in your life.