Exploring your options?
Read the FAQs before you begin.
Am I ready to begin a transformational journey?
Making the courageous choice to begin a formal process of self-discovery and healing is not a decision most people make lightly. Choosing to engage in transformational therapy means a commitment to work toward your own wellbeing.
In modern society, we often have very little patience for the time it takes to change and grow. This comes from our culture of immediate gratification. The truth about growth is that it takes time and commitment. It also takes determination to look at some difficult truths about yourself as you begin to take accountability for your choices. If you’re ready to commit to a process that will take time and investment on your part, transformational therapy is right for you. If you’re feeling like you want a quick fix with a small amount of effort on your part, this may not be the best investment for you to make at this time.
What’s the difference between transformational therapy & counseling?
Both services provide emotional and psychological support to the client. However, counseling can sometimes be a less formal approach to support in which the counselor provides active listening, normalizes your experience, extends empathy, provides compassion, and assists with brief problem-solving. Counseling can be as informal as “a professional listening ear.”
Transformational therapy delivers evidence-based, proven and highly effective interventions that are designed to create measurable shifts in behavior with a time-limited commitment to the change process. This means transformational therapy involves a period of time in which you will be given a tool kit of skills that will effectively change the way you think, feel and behave for the rest of your life. This system of change is based on a combination of approaches designed by some of the world’s most well-known researchers and healers.
Through transformational therapy you will receive all the emotional support of counseling along with delivery of science-based interventions that are proven to create lasting change in your life.
How long will it take?
The length of delivery is dependent on the identified issue, as well as your personal history of self-development and your level of commitment to change. Therefore, the course of transformational therapy is variable based on where you’re at when you begin.
You will be given an overview of your treatment protocol which will provide more guidance regarding length of treatment.
How is therapy different from talking with a friend?
Transformational therapy helps you approach your situation in new ways by teaching you new skills and perspectives, listening without judgment or expectation, helping you build greater insight into your internal processes and re-encoding subconscious beliefs. Therapy is completely confidential. Therefore, you never have to be concerned about your personal business being shared with others.
If your situation provokes a great deal of negative feelings, and you’ve been confiding in a friend or family member, there is risk you could start avoiding that person when you start feeling better due to shame or reminders of difficult past events. Often friends and family do not have new solutions to offer, as we learn many of our negative coping skills from those closest to us. This can create further distress and add unnecessary frustration to our interpersonal interactions.
Can I use my insurance benefits?
Services through Empowered Life are out of network. This means Emily does not bill insurance, and you are responsible for repayment of services at the time of delivery.
May I use out of network insurance benefits?
If you have insurance and would like to seek out of network reimbursement, Emily will provide you with a superbill to turn over to your insurance. This is a receipt of your payment that also includes the medical billing code your insurance requires. You may submit this document to your insurance company to seek direct reimbursement.
If you have out of network benefits, your insurance company will pay you directly for the same amount they would otherwise pay a therapist in network. For example, you pay Emily $150 for a standard session. You turn in your superbill receipt to your insurance company, and they may reimburse you $120 for the service. Your total cost ends up being $30 after you receive reimbursement. It’s worth it to check and see if you have out of network insurance benefits, as it could save you money in the long term.
How do I find out about out network benefits?
Call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask, “Do I have out of network benefits? Do I have an out of network deductible? How much is my deductible? Is counseling covered under my out of network benefits? How do I seek reimbursement for out of network medical costs?”
If you have a deductible, this is the amount you will be responsible to pay before your insurance will start reimbursing you.
“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.”
-Les Brown